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AM Direct Outreach is a family-owned business, homegrown in the San Fernando Valley.  Each family member brings their own knowledge and experience to share with clients, who have included intercultural, interfaith, non-profit and alternative approaches in a variety of fields. 

Mike Khalid

Founder & CEO

M.H. "Mike" Khalid started in Communications in the Royal Ceylon Navy. Once in the U.S., he worked in catalog sales and direct mail management. Since 1981, he has run the family business, specializing in design, printing and direct mail marketing. He shared his fascination for nature and the world with his family by taking them on some amazing trips and raising a variety of pets. He also breeds guppies for show and is a master Scrabble player. 

Malayna Dawn

Head of Marketing

Malayna's love of words was combined with music for most of her life, but working in the family business gave her an eye for detail. She expanded that into multimedia storytelling--scripts for TV, radio and live events, content for websites, e-newsletters and social media. She wrote a novel too!  And for 12 years, she lived in Sri Lanka. Now back in the U.S., she still loves working with musicians and on multimedia productions while being a champion for good causes.

Adam Khalid

Head of Design

Growing up around the family business, Adam could hardly escape sharing his talent for art and design. He has spent much of his career in the art departments of TV and film productions, mostly doing graphic design, but also being involved in other aspects of production. His creativity extends into all kinds of design--home, garden, mechanical and  banners, signs stickers and t-shirts, and in general, making things work. In his spare time, he's a video game aficianado.


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Contact us!

We're located in Van Nuys, between Van Nuys Airport and the Van Nuys Golf Course. 

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